À propos > Nos engagements

Our engagements

We aim to integrate into environment by exploiting it without degrading it and by being ecologically involved. All this is achieved through a process that optimises yields, maximises the reuse of our waste and co-products and minimises waste.

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Our certifications

Notre principale raison d’être réside dans la satisfaction client, c’est pour cette raison que nous sommes certifiés ISO 9001 depuis 2010 pour la production de biocarburants à partir d’huiles et graisses et co-production de glycérine à partir des mêmes matières.

In this Global Management quality policy, we comply with the European regulation on the sustainability of biofuels. This regulation, for which we are certified under the voluntary ISCC EU and 2BSvs schemes, ensures that customers are supplied with biofuels from environmentally and socially responsible crops and farms.

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control union certified iso 9001
2bs logo fond blanc
"The priority is to be able to adapt and respond to our customers' requests. Reactivity and flexibility are an integral part of the company."
Pierre-Louis, Business Unit manager

A green fuel

Greenhouse gas emissions are calculated throughout the cumulative processes of cultivation, processing, and transport to the final customer, with the obligation to respect a certain percentage reduction compared to fossil fuels. This proves the reduced environmental impact of these biofuels compared to the fossil fuels they replace.

Our CSR approach

We believe we can build a sustainable future together: by proposing innovative solutions, by acting in a circular economy and respecting our values. The challenge will be to create a sustainable dynamic while preserving/improving our performance. This is how we bring together our actions and set objectives by following a roadmap.

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Our Our CSR roadmap

Contrary to popular belief, industry doesn't necessarily mean pollution.

Our structure allows us to get involved and commit ourselves easily and quickly to different issues. We have defined four commitments that are and will be our roadmap.

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